TomaTTC said:I'm going with Beastars then, I'm really curious how the second season is going to be, I'm not that big of a fan of it but it's that type of anime where you just want to know more and more and never drop it no matter what
Halofan1997 said:Promised Neverland Season 2.
I'm still very disappointed with the basement reveal (and much of Season 3 overall) as I believe it ruined the mystery element and the lore for much of the series in order to cram a dum philosophical message into the show to boost ratings. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way too.
If you actually think people rated it high only because of the "philosophical message" or whatever the hell you say then you should realize that's not true at all, the majority rate anime based on how much they enjoyed it, and Season 3 (especially Part 2) was one hell of a rollercoaster of emotions. Have you ever thought about the term "worldbuilding"? The answers from the basement also fill you with 10 times more questions, that's what "mystery" truly means. Maybe you would have been more satisfied if Yams did "The Mist" ending, but it just doesn't work, sorry, he actually knows how to write
I had no idea there was a man alive that could determine an individual's feelings or thoughts about topics without even asking questions about them. Now, I usually don't respond to people who attempt to argue against me in the forums, but this one was just too special so I'm going to make an exception.
First things first, let me make something clear: I don't know you. You don't know me. I don't care about you even a little bit. I don't care how you rated the show. I don't even care what the average rating for the season is. I don't care if it's underrated, overrated, perfectly rated, or whatever. It literally doesn't matter to me. So do not pretend like you know who I am based on a paragraph of information.
If you had actually bothered to check my list and find out for yourself how I rated Season 3 part 2, you would have never said anything as idiotic as what you spewed. Nothing you wrote down in your laughable assault on my comment had anything to do with what I said at all, and the fact that you believed you had enough information to go off of suggests you are very likely delusional.
I did not say anything about the show's high rating, much less make a moronic statement that the show's philosophy is somehow tied to that rating. You did. I said nothing about the season being a rollercoaster of emotions nor make remarks about the emotional weight of the season or series as a whole. You did. I said nothing about the show's world-building nor did I share whether I believed that aspect of the show was bad or good. You assumed I believed it was weak. I don't. In fact, I believe that's one of its strongest elements, especially in the first season. I never mentioned Season 3's ending once. I don't even know what the heck "The Mist" ending even is and I don't care. You made cases for and against arguments I didn't make nor would I have ever made. You made these arguments up for me so you could create this villain in your mind so you'd have something to argue and easily win against. You put words in my mouth and used word wizardry to make yourself appear smarter than you clearly are. Nobody in real life buys that crap. So just drop it.
I simply made a statement that I believed the basement reveal "ruined the mystery element and the lore for much of the series." That's it. That is all I said, and I left it cryptic and brief on purpose specifically because I did not want to get drawn into a dumb argument over it. I don't care enough to develop a big wall of text explaining every little detail about my point explaining exactly what I disliked about the reveal, why I disliked, and how I'm magically right and everyone else is wrong (like you do). That is an activity for the nerds, the deluded, the demented, and the weak. My statement was cryptic enough that if you wanted to make a convincing argument against it, you have asked for more clarity regarding what I meant in regards to mystery and lore so you could take it apart and attack each point methodically one by one. In fact, there was an individual prior to you (MSK3) that was intelligent enough to do just that. Why didn't you take a hint from him before saying anything?
And if you are reading this MSK3, I appreciate the questions, but I will not reply. I simply don't care to argue over it or discuss it with anyone, especially people I don't know, but I will clarify one thing: The mystery I spoke of, in part, was the mystery surrounding the existence of the titans, why they slaughter and devour humans, and also the state of the human race. I despise how the reveal transformed one of the most original and fascinating spins on the zombie apocalypse genre about humanity's last stand against a massive, unstoppable foe in the face of certain, terrifying defeat into a race war between human tribes that we didn't know even existed prior to the revelation who want to exterminate each other because they were discriminated against (yet another story about the evils of racism and discrimination? Oh, how original.). The mystery of the titans is only but one of the several mysteries found throughout the show. I could have been referring any of the other mysteries, but you, TomaTTC, didn't even ask which mystery or what aspects of the lore I was referring to.
You leaped into your tirade believing you just knew it all and you made assumptions that were baseless and so unbelievably wrong in order to create a foundation of sand for you to spiral into your petty, snarky, gamma-infused response with some of the most idiotic comments I've seen thrown my way. I thank you greatly for your response! It gave me a hearty chuckle, and while I enjoyed it, it'll be the last time we ever interact on this site. I simply have no patience for nerds. |